Forging Ahead
Let's write stuff down.
Fri Jun 02 2023
From 2021-2022, I got caught up in a large amount of work with a major consulting client. It consumed all my time and resulted in several rounds of burnout, since I kept trying to work on my existing projects and maintain my existing clients. Toward the end of 2022, things kind of naturally ended since they were using me for things they ultimately didn’t really need me for. After that, I dove down the rabbit hole of building a 3D printing business, partly because I desired to do something completely different, but also because I still have many software projects where having my own small manufacturing business would give me a great testing ground.
As we hit mid-2023, I’ve kind of hit my stride with 3D printing, where as long as I can manage to increase sales, I feel expert enough to handle the production end. I think I can manage to blend my time between the new business and the old. So I’m gonna start recording my thoughts here and maybe some quick summaries of things I’ve learned. It’s an attempt to put more of my ideas out there in the hopes that I get feedback from the industrial automation/3D printing community at large as to what they’d like to see me work on. Maybe we can build stuff together. We’ll see how it goes!